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The Elgin Archxerciser provides a resistance for key foot exercises of the arch and foot. The Archxerciser is designed as a powerful adjunctive tool for rehab patients to athletes. If you are a rehab patient, Archxerciser affords you relief from sore feet by strengthening your foot's intrinsic and extrinsic musculature and it treats a variety of common foot ailments, including plantar fasciitis and heel spur syndrome.

Standard Resistance

Standard Resistance

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The entry level of exercising device

Please note, the dancer must try and keep her toes straight while using this device- it's really tricky, but this will help the intrinsic foot muscles work properly.

Pro Resistance

Pro Resistance

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After using the standard level, you can progress to the Pro.

Please note, the dancer must try and keep her toes straight while using this device- it's really tricky, but this will help the intrinsic foot muscles work properly.